Saint Anne Parish Bulletin for Sunday, 30 October 2011

Here is our parish bulletin for Sunday, 30 October 2011...

This weekend we presented our annual financial report to the parish. The report can be found on page two of our bulletin.

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, our parish was in the black by nearly $100,000.00. This is a testimony both to the generosity of our parishioners and to the continued success of our parish Early Learning Center.

It is customary when making an annual financial report for the pastor to ask the parish for more money in donations. While we should, all of us, always consider carefully the level of our financial stewardship to the church, I am tremendously grateful to the people of Saint Anne for their devotion to and generous support of our parish. The average amount per envelope in our weekly donations speaks to the financial commitment that the people of Saint Anne are making to our parish. If our weekly contributions are to increase in the future, we need to redouble our efforts to invite people to join our parish family. So, rather than ask for more money, I am asking each of you to extend an invitation to a friend, a neighbor, a c0-worker, or a family member to come and join us for Mass at Saint Anne. I am sure that once they experience your love and your warm welcome, they will never want to go anywhere else!

What we lack in regular donations is more than made up for by the good work of our Early Learning Center. Our parish family should be justifiably proud of the love and care that the Center provides for so many young people, making it possible for their parents to work in order to support their family, or to go to school in order to better their education and future. Unlike a school that has a set enrollment that does not change each year, the enrollment of our Early Learning Center shifts literally from week to week as the needs of the parents in our community change. It is important for us to continue to spread the good news about the tremendous work of our Early Learning Center to any families that we may know that are looking for a safe and loving place to bring their children while they are at work or at school. Again, I ask your help and letting friends, neighbors, co-workers and family members know the good news about our Saint Anne Early Learning Center.

Thank you to all of our parishioners for your love and your support of our parish. May God reward you for your generosity!

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